Daily Activities

Artboard 5

Circle time

5 Key skills Circle Time helps develop:
1. Thinking
2. Listening
3. Looking
4. Communication
5. Concentrating

Arts and Crafts

5 Key skills Arts and Crafts helps develop:
1. Creativity
2. Motor Skills
3. Self-Esteem
4. Concentration
5. Patience

Computer time

5 Skills Computer Time helps develop:
1. Word processing
2. Development
3. Problem solving
4. Learning
5. Creative thinking

Swimming therapy

5 Key Skills Swimming Therapy helps develop:
1. Sensory Input
2. Coordination
3. Strengthening body muscles
4. Balance and posture
5. Body awareness

Daily programme

Pathways Roodepoort’s daily program works on a child with a disability’s sensory system.


The vestibular system contributes to our balance and sense of where our body is in space. It provides the most input about movement in the body, and works with the auditory and visual system to give accurate information to the brain about the direction in which the body is moving


We use our auditory system to identify the quality, and direction of sound. It not only hears sound, it also helps us to understand speech.


The sense of smell is one of the oldest and most vital parts of the brain. Smell is also directly linked to our emotional brain, we can use smell to access feeling of calmness.


If a child's sense of taste is not working properly, they may identify foods as unsafe, and refuse to eat. Taste and smell are senses very closely linked and work as one integrated system.


The visual system interprets what we see. When children have difficulty with visual processing, they may have difficulty filtering out the unnecessary details. Or may have trouble identifying important information.


The tactile system refers to the awareness of touch through receptors in the skin. When a child is having difficulty in processing touch sensation, their brain may misinterpret the information, causing them to overact on light touch.


This is the the perception of sensation of the muscles and joints enabling the brain to know where each part of the body is and how it is moving. Children with significant special needs and decreased awareness of their bodies movement have difficulty knowing where their body is.